Building Trust Leadership Courses

Building Trust - Leadership Courses Courses in Zambia


Our Leadership Course Listings for you


2KO Zambia offers various leadership courses such as the Building trust, credibility and respect course in Lusaka and other major cities around the country, depending on demand, including Lusaka. This module looks at the relationship between trust, credibility, and respect and provides principles and tools for restoring broken trust and building a trust-driven work environment.


Some statistics say that a staggering 40% of employees don't trust management - and without trust, employees feel a sense of uncertainty, insecurity, and worry that creates a barrier to effective performance. With our current business reality and global economy revolving around relationships and partnerships, the ability to establish, cultivate, and restore trust with our colleagues, employees, vendors, and customers is an essential leadership capability.


In addition, demands for talented workers are on the rise and competition to hire and retain the best is increasing. There's a growing need to build trust in your organization and to find ways to engage your employees more fully so they might resist the temptation to jump ship to a company that offers a more rewarding and trusting work environment.


At the completion of this module, participants will be able to:

Understand the relationship between trust, credibility, and respect

Minimize trust-busters and restore broken trust

Apply principles to cultivate a trust based work environment